Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to use avro-iBus on Ubuntu 12.10

উইণ্ডোজ অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে ইউনিকোডে বাংলা লেখার জনপ্রিয় সফটওয়্যার অভ্র খুব সহজেই লিনাক্সে ব্যবহার করা যায়। অভ্রের নিজস্ব ওয়েব সাইটেও এই ব্যবহার পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত লেখা আছে। কিন্তু কেউ যদি হুবহু ঐ সাইটের প্রক্রিয়াটি অবলম্বন করেন তাহলে অভ্র ইন্সটল করা সম্ভব হবে না। আমি তাই নিচে ধাপে ধাপে পুরো প্রক্রিয়াটি সবটা লিখে দিচ্ছি:

১ম ধাপ:
এই ধাপে আপনাকে টার্মিনাল খুলতে হবে। সবথেকে সহজ উপায়ে টার্মিনাল খুলতে হলে আপনার স্ক্রিনের বাম কোনায় উপরে ড্যাশ হোমে যান। ড্যাশ হোমে ক্লিক করুন। এরপর যেই লেখার জায়গাটা আসবে সেখানে ইংরেজিতে লিখুন terminal, এই কথা লিখতে লিখতেই দেখবেন টার্মিনাল চলে এসেছে। তাহলে এখন টার্মিনালে ক্লিক করে জিনিষটা চালু করে ফেলুন! ছবিতে দেখুন পুরো প্রক্রিয়াটা। টার্মিনাল খোলা হয়ে গেলে শুরু হবে ২য় ধাপ!

২য় ধাপ:
এই ধাপে চোখ বন্ধ করে নিচের লাইনগুলো এক এক করে কপি করে টার্মিনালে পেস্ট করুন আর Enter দিন। একটা করে লাইন কপি করবেন, আর হেঁইয়ো বলে এণ্টার চাপবেন। লাইনগুলো হল:

ক. sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sarimkhan/xUbuntu_12.10/ ./"

খ. wget -q http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sarimkhan/xUbuntu_12.10/Release.key -O- | sudo apt-key add -

গ. sudo apt-get update

ঘ. sudo apt-get install ibus-avro-quantal

ওহ আর ভাল কথা, এই লাইনগুলো চালানোর সময় কিন্তু আপনাকে ইণ্টারনেটের সাথে সংযুক্ত থাকতে হবে! আর আমি লিখেছি বলেই আবার কখগঘ সুদ্ধো কপি করতে যাবেন না, তাহলে গড়বড় হয়ে যাবে। শুধু গাড় করে লেখা লাইনগুলোই কপি করুন। আমি যখন কাজটা করেছিলাম তখন প্রতিটা কমেণ্ট কিভাবে লিখেছি ঐটার ছবি সেঁটে দিলাম, এই দেখুন: এই ধাপের শেষে আপনার আইবাস পুরো রেডি। এখন ওটাকে চালিয়ে বাকি কাজ করতে হবে।

৩য় ধাপ:
আইবাস চালু করতে আবারো ড্যাশ হোমে যান, এরপর যে লেখার জায়গাটা আছে ওখানে ibus লিখলেই ধুপধাপ আইবাস চলে আসবে। আইবাসে ক্লিক করুন। দেখবেন, আপনার মনিটরের উপরের দিকে ডানে কিবোর্ডের মত একটা আইকন তৈরি হয়েছে। সেখানে মাউস নিয়ে রাইট ক্লিক করুন। আচ্ছা, এখন যেই মেনুটা খুলল, সেখানে গিয়ে Preferences এ চাপ দিন। এখন iBus Preferences নামে একটা নতুন উইণ্ডো খুলেছে। কাজ মোটামুটি শেষ। এরপরের ধাপে ছোট কয়েকটা কাজ করতে পারলেই বাংলা লিখতে পারবেন অভ্র আইবাসে।

৪র্থ ধাপ:
iBus Preferences এর Input Method ট্যাবটি সিলেক্ট করুন। এরপর Customize active input methods এ টিক চিহ্ন দিন। নিচের Select an input method বক্সে ক্লিক করুন। সেখানে Bengali->Avro Phonetic চাপুন। এই পর্যন্ত হুবহু অভ্রর সাইটে আছে। কিন্তু ওরা এরপর একটা জিনিষ লিখতে ভুল করে ফেলেছে। আপনি Add বাটনটিতে চাপ দিন। এরপর উইণ্ডোটি বন্ধ করে দিতে পারেন! আবারো মনিটরের ডানদিকের কিবোর্ডের মত দেখতে বাটনটিতে রাইট ক্লিক করুন এবং Restart বাটনে চাপ দিন। ব্যাস, কাজ শেষ!

শেষ ধাপ:
যে কোন টেক্সট এডিটর খুলুন। gedit ই খুলতে পারেন। আগে যেভাবে বলেছি সেভাবেই ড্যাশ হোমে ক্লিক করে ইংরেজিতে gedit লিখে খুলে ফেলুন। এরপর চাপুন Ctrl + Space, তাহলেই ফোনেটিকে বাংলা লিখতে পারবেন :) আমার লেখাটি পড়ে সময় নষ্ট করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ। ওপেন সোর্সে আপনার আপাত কঠিন কিন্তু আদতে মধুর যাত্রা শুভ হোক!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Arch Unearthed!

Guys, I won't ask for your forgiveness anymore. I'm too lazy to continue regularly. It's not that I don't enjoy blogging, I really do. But I am always a bit too lazy :(

Anyways, good news is, I've started using arch linux! I wish I could say a lot of good things about it, but I can't :( I've only started, remember? To make long story short, it's YET another linux distro. But the difference of arch linux from the rest of the distributions is, you get the chance to assemble it from scratch. Well, it's not like linuxfromscratch actually, but a lot easier than that. Probably the main advantage is, since you're installing all the packages all by yourself, there's actually nothing installed in your pc that you don't need!

Wait, let me explain. This might seem a bit annoying too! Let me give you guys an example. Imagine, you've installed the latest release of Ubuntu, and the desktop looks so pretty! The first thing you want to do, is to take a screenshot of your new "untouched" love and send it to your boy/girlfriend ( which of course, will inevitably cause a break-up :( ). So what you will do is, hit the "prt sc sys rq" button and a window with the screenshot will appear and ask you to save the image. It's that easy! But sometimes, you might fail to understand ( at least I did it ) that an specific program does this job for you once you've hit the pssr button. So, "that" program had to be installed with your operating system. And of course Ubuntu does it for you.

So what wrong with that? Well, seemingly nothing. Because you already got what you need right? But listen, you don't need all of that, do you? I mean once you go to the supershop to buy a box of chocolates, all you need is a box of chocolates! You don't need toothpastes, ice-creams, lipsticks or t-shirts! Well, you might need it some other time, but not now! But if I tell you to take this things to your home all at once, wouldn't it be a little difficult? Well, if it was asked to me, I must have tried to take as much as possible. But the question is how much? Specially when most of things I don't need at all? Well, the answer is not much! And here comes the beauty of arch linux.

Arch has one of the most regularly updated repositories of software packages. So all you've gotta do is just ask. Anytime and anyway you want. You don't have to take the burden of keeping all those unnecessary things that come from other distros. But yes, you need to give it a bit time to make your selections and bringing them to your system ( specially when you have a slow internet connection like mine :( ) And if that sounds crazy to you, well, you can easily pick one of those popular distros, that's all!

Actually I wanted to discuss a few interesting tips about using arch. I've only started, but I've already faced some issues and managed to come up against it. But since there's not much time, I'll end with just one!

The problem that actually occured is: when I tried to use empathy after few hours of installing, a message kept on bothering me. It said, "The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer". So I tried with every password that come to my mind, but to no avail. So with the help of google, I've found this easy 3 step solution:

1. Go to your home folder and press CTRL + h, this will show all your hidden files
2. Go to .gnome2 folder. Dont miss the dawt before gnome2.
3. Go to the keyring folder and delete the login.keyring file

After that I logged out and logged back in. And thank God, no more "keyring" mumbo jumbo anymore :D

That's it for today guys. Hope to keep you guys updated! Happy hunting!

this blog post is dedicated to our inspiratinal fellow CS student, Mahmud Ridwan, who installed arch linux on my laptop :P

Saturday, June 5, 2010

NSU Ardent in IPSC

Hey guys, long time no see :( I promise I'll try to be regular from now on ( don't believe me). Anyways, I'm here today to make a little announcement: We are going to participate in the IPSC or the "Internet Problem Solving Contest ( also known as International Practical Shooting Confederation :P ). It will be held on 6 June about 4-5 hours from now. We will participate under our team "NSU Ardent". All of us are from North South University in Bangladesh. Let's take a quick look at our members:

1. Pallab Gain (aka Xerxes)
2. Rakin Ishmam (aka playboy Rakin)
3. Tarif Ezaz ( don't know him)

Here we are. We will try our best and to remain consistent with our spirit, we will release all of our codes just after the contest.

Wish us luck papi! See you there :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A quick tip to see the GTK version.

Minutes ago, I was looking to see my GTK version on my Ubuntu 8.04.2. So, I googled it and found how to look at. Easy, isn't it? Here's how would you look at it.


dpkg -l | grep libgtk

at your terminal. I wrote it and found the following output:

tarif@tarif-desktop:~$ dpkg -l | grep libgtk
ii libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 0.3.4-0ubuntu2 A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (runtime librar
ii libgtk2-perl 1:1.161-1 Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp
ii libgtk2.0-0 2.12.9-3ubuntu5 The GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-bin 2.12.9-3ubuntu5 The programs for the GTK+ graphical user int
ii libgtk2.0-cil 2.12.0-2ubuntu3 CLI binding for the GTK+ toolkit 2.12
ii libgtk2.0-common 2.12.9-3ubuntu5 Common files for the GTK+ graphical user int
ii libgtkhtml2-0 2.11.1-1 HTML rendering/editing library - runtime fil
ii libgtkhtml3.14-19 3.18.3-0ubuntu2 HTML rendering/editing library - runtime fil
ii libgtkhtml3.16-cil 2.20.1-2ubuntu2 CLI binding for GtkHTML 3.16
ii libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a 1:2.12.5-2 C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.4 (shared libraries)
ii libgtksourceview-common 1.8.5-1 common files for the GTK+ syntax highlightin
ii libgtksourceview1.0-0 1.8.5-1 shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlig
ii libgtksourceview2.0-0 2.2.2-0ubuntu1 shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlig
ii libgtksourceview2.0-common 2.2.2-0ubuntu1 common files for the GTK+ syntax highlightin
ii libgtkspell0 2.0.10-4 a spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView wi

In fact, it looks better when you copy-paste the output to the Text Editor.

Let me tell you the truth about her before I go. I was watching the "Slumdog: Millionaire" today and I agree with the main buddy there. "She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen :P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Try formatting!

One of the routine that I regularly have to follow is to format my pen drive every once in a while. Even though I use Ubuntu at home, things inside the little drive often gets out of hands once it is entered into a Windows run pc packed with virus. Anyways, the thing that is then necessary is go give it a cleanup.

To do this, I first check all my partitions of my file system using the sudo fdisk -l command. According to man fdisk “fdisk (in the first form of invocation) is a menu driven program for creation and manipulation of partition tables. ” -l will ensure the listing of all the partitions. When I run the command on my pc, I got this output:

tarif@tarif-desktop:~$ sudo fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x5a4fa8c1

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sda1 * 1 3243 26049366 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

/dev/sda2 3244 9729 52098795 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)

/dev/sda5 3244 6486 26049366 b W95 FAT32

/dev/sda6 6487 6610 995998+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris

/dev/sda7 6611 9729 25053336 83 Linux

Disk /dev/sdb: 1017 MB, 1017117696 bytes

33 heads, 63 sectors/track, 955 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 2079 * 512 = 1064448 bytes

Disk identifier: 0xf522590c

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sdb1 1 956 993263 b W95 FAT32

Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):

phys=(0, 1, 1) logical=(0, 0, 33)

Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:

phys=(217, 32, 63) logical=(955, 17, 42)

You can clearly see that the disturbing part is the pen drive part! Just what we need. Now, what we are actually going to do is to create a linux file system on our device (which is the USB data drive in this case). So, we need to use the mkfs, which “is used to build a Linux file system on a device, usually a hard disk partition”. Before using the command, we need to unmount the USB drive. So we should write in my case,

sudo umount /dev/sdb1

The drive is now unmounted.

Now we need to use the mkfs command, I'll assume that everyone is very careful at this point, because as my genius friend Taskinoor Hasan once said, “mkfs can not make mistakes. But you can only mistakenly vaporize your entire drive using it!”

So, let's format the thing now!

Write sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1

The output was

tarif@tarif-desktop:~$ sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1

mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)

It's done with ease!

All credit goes to Taskinoor Hasan who taught me this little trick while chatting! This guy is a gem, great to have him as a mentor and friend.

Cheers everyone and if not already, prepare to fall in love!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goodbye Gates!

Bill Gates is one of my favourite persons anyway. It's a little wonder for me to see him getting retired from Microsoft. Many people considers him as one of the most important person in ICT sector. Yes, that may not be an overstatement. Well, Bill is gone, and so as Windows from my everyday pc schedule. In fact I have been using Microsoft Windows since 1997. Remember, they had a version called Windows 97 ®, hmm... I bet you have a sharp memory. Anyways, as you can see, I have been using the pirated version of Windows for ten long years! A very experienced pirate indeed :D

Enough of talking for nothing. Let's share a little experience.

I have been taking my introductory course in Java from May 2008. So, it's time for me to get Object Oriented! No wonder, I have been dreaming about big Os in my dreams. We are actually using NetBeans IDE 3.6 in our University lab. But it's a pity that we're using that in Windows XP. Meanwhile, I have used all my expertise to get free DVD of NetBeans 6.1 in the meantime. And Me too, was running that in Windows. So, I finally decided, enough is enough. Let's start it in Linux.

I didn't actually had to install NetBeans in Linux to run a Java Program, as I already had an JDK installed in my Ubuntu 8.04. So I was happy coding with text editor and running it from Terminal, yup the place where you don't have to wait for bus to arrive! In fact, my all writing, no clicking was going smoothly. That was until I found that JoptionPane is not working in Ubuntu. As they say, naah...I don't like Linux, it's too complicated. Ya, I say, for complicated people like you! Anyway, I went to ubuntufourms and found out an straightforward solution of my problem. Here it goes.

Step 1: Go to Terminal, type sudo update-alternatives --config java

Step 2: Install the latest SDK from sun. In this case it was java-6-sun. See the complete process below:

tarif@tarif-desktop:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

[sudo] password for tarif:

There are 3 alternatives which provide `java'.

Selection Alternative


1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

2 /usr/bin/gij-4.2

*+ 3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 1

Using '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide 'java'.

I have selected 1 one changed my configuration to sun java 6 :D

So, friends. Let's say goodbye Bill Gates! From the bottom of our heart. It's still sad that some people thinks Windows and Linux are enemies. After reading my blog, they would now understand, that they really are NOT ;D

Take care everybody.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Unix: Here We GO!

Hi friends! I want to talk about Unix with you today. Don't worry, I'm not that much expert to bore you out already, ;D I've just started to read the Harley Hahn's book on Unix a few days ago. I was inspired by my senior friend Taskinoor Hasan at Bangladesh Open Source Network and hired this wonder book on Unix from him. Even though I'm reading in Computer Science and Engineering for four months, you can consider myself a complete computer illiterate! But anyway, this should be one of those books that will eventually take me to the light!

Anyway, let's turn ourselves to Unix. Unix is an operating system to say the least. So, you can expect at least to do the jobs of memory maintaining, file managing and other OS stuffs from Unix. As I was reading the first few chapters of Hahn's book, I was fascinated to know that any Unix computer can communicate with any other Unix computer! Well, after all we're all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve! Even though the name Unix means something that is maintained by a single person, it's actually designed for the multiuser environment. Now let's talk about a few common terminology.

Hosts and Terminals
Every Unix system has a host (at least). A host is a piece of hardware that has all the things in it (you know what things ;) Surprisingly, not one but many Terminals can have access to this host. What's this Terminal guy anyway? Well, a terminal can be a keyboard and an screen and possibly a mouse, that can set a communication with the host and even the one that's attached with the host has no particular especiality. Let's say, a terminal can be as close as the life is from death and even can be as far as the heaven from the earth! The thing that surprised me the most that even though you see a character exactly the same time as you typed it on the keyboard, it is not exactly the case. If you press "I love you", it would only be visible after the host reads it and ECHOES the letters back to the terminal and finally to the screen. Wow, who says computers don't know how to love! (Or even make then visible :D Now I can recall one similar situation where I didn't actually see any CPU. It was at the sun lab of my university. Aha! So it was a host that was missing!

When I was a child (many say I still am :( ), I travelled a lot in train. And it always amazed me when I passed through a railway station. Everyday hundreds of trains pass through an station, and you could expect to have the station people to have the "ah! forget it" type of emotions towards the train. But to my wonder, it never happened. If you ever come to my country, you'll see that whenever a train passes through an station, people, no matter how busy they are will keep looking at it.

Back to Unix. What if a Unix is installed at your home pc and you have no access to any other network. Obviously, you have a host (your CPU) and a Terminal (your keyboard and screen). In this case, your system would be called a workstation. You might say, Wow! I'll rule my own world! But as you can see, dictators tends to be foolish. Why? Cause you can't do everything by yourself! If you had a shared host, he would have given you more choices like cool softwares (and more porn movies, if you're a teenager :) and an expert would actually keep a backup for your system! You can not get them done all by yourself, don't you remember, your boy/girlfriend would be crazy if s/he hear that you are nothing but a computer freek! But don't worry. Workstations can also be connected by networks!

Next time I'll talk about client server and ummm.....we'll see..

Good Night friends
Bye for now!